Friday, September 7, 2018

Madama Butterfly

This short animation, Madama Butterfly, turned out to be very impactful and tragic. It is beautifully animated in a way to depict a miniature world with little doll-like figures coming together. In the animation, the puppet Butterfly is shown living on an island all by herself until a ship brings a handsome sailor doll to her. The two fall in love for a short time it seems until the Sailor is shown having to leave and get back on the ship. Upon waiting what seemed like a long time, the sailor returns in the frame himself and comes to greet her with their child in her hands. The sailor then takes the child back to his car with another woman there and several multi-colored children.

The sailor rips a thread from her and she is broken into shambles realizing the reality of the situation. Butterfly runs away in embarrassment and sadness into the darkness where she eventually ends up what seems to look like unscrewing her legs and head off and she is then shown being blown into the wind. I found it very sad that the sailor did not remember and cherish Butterfly's connection and it seemed to be that she was not the only victim of his ignorance. I think the animation depicted Butterfly's pain and sorrow with the ending in an extremely powerful way. All in all, this was a great piece of work.